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Contentious probate services more than doubled report finds
Georgian Terraced Town Houses

Property and Contents Valuation

Our Probate Specialist Services

The CoreProp Group has a market-leading team of RICS Registered Valuers who specialise in handling 1000’s of (RICS Red Book) Property and Contents Probate Valuations each year, always with sensitivity and professionalism during a challenging time.

We are proud to be recognised as national Probate (IHT) Valuation experts and an authority in the industry. Please check out our latest Mail Online article here.

We are also founders of The CoreProbate Network, an association of the UK’s leading Probate specialist firms, who have successfully handled over 30,000 probate cases, and provide their diverse professional services to our clients who are Solicitors, Executors and Administrators.

Our surveyors are Probate experts and trusted by the District Valuer Services (‘DV’) who are the specialist valuation arm of HMRC (the Valuation Office Agency). We leave our clients feeling secure that they have done all in their power to avoid an HMRC investigation, whilst receiving professional valuation reports that are justified, as best as we can, to assist their tax positions.

Solicitors, Accountants, Charities, Institutions , Administrators and Executors repeatedly instruct us because we promise to live up to our Group’s Valuation Service Pillars which are:

  1. Respond to your enquiry within 4 working hours, with a low-price guarantee. For an immediate quote or to answer any questions, please contact us 7 days a week on WhatsApp here
  2. Provide excellent communication in relation to appointment times and report deadlines
  3. Provide detailed, compliant reports, together with comprehensive after-service support

Market Leaders

  • Property: A team of expert RICS Registered Valuers with experience of signing off over 1000 Red Book property valuations per year
  • Contents: A team of the most highly trained contents valuers in the UK, along with a network of highly respected auctioneers to provide support, if required, when valuing rare / unique items
  • Reductions on our costs if instructed on both the property and contents valuation (with a single appointment time to make it easier for our clients)
  • Universally-recognised RICS Red Book Valuation Reports which are the highest standard in Valuation, meeting stringent professional RICS standards
  • Serving over 350 legal firms as their chosen Probate Valuers
  • Extremely competitive pricing and precise reports
  • If required, District Valuer Services (DV) interventions and negotiations
  • A thorough Red Book Valuation mitigates your risk of HMRC scrutiny who state “It is important to properly ascertain the value of assets. For assets with a material value you are strongly advised to instruct a qualified independent valuer, to make sure the valuation is made for the purposes of the relevant legislation, and for houses, land and buildings, it meets Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or equivalent standards.’’ 
  • Our team will also coordinate your house clearance, if required, through our CoreProbate specialist members
  • Desktop Valuations available
  • We believe professional, reliable and low-cost services should be an industry standard, not a luxury – and if we fall short on any of our Valuation Service Pillars, we will waive any agreed fee.

For an immediate quote or free consultation, please:

WhatsApp us 24/7 here

Call us on 020 8050 5060

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Or click here to enquire via our website

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